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Florida Common Core Reading Standards 6th Grade

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Skills available for Florida sixth-grade language arts standards

IXL's sixth-class skills will be aligned to the Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS) soon! Until then, you can view a complete list of sixth-grade standards below.

Standards are in black and IXL language arts skills are in dark green. Hold your mouse over the name of a skill to view a sample question. Click on the name of a skill to practice that skill.

6.50 Linguistic communication

  • 6.L.1 Conventions of Standard English

    • Demonstrate control of the conventions of standard English grammer and usage when writing or speaking.

      • 6.L.i.i.a Ensure that pronouns are in the proper case (subjective, objective, possessive).

        • Employ the pronoun that agrees with the ancestor ( 6-Z.ii )
        • Choose between subject and object pronouns ( 6-AA.ane )
        • Chemical compound subjects and objects with "I" and "me" ( six-AA.2 )
        • Compound subjects and objects with pronouns ( 6-AA.3 )
        • Employ possessive pronouns ( 6-AA.four )
        • Choose between personal and reflexive pronouns ( half dozen-AA.5 )
        • Use reflexive pronouns ( half dozen-AA.half dozen )
        • Use relative pronouns: who and whom ( 6-AA.9 )
      • Apply intensive pronouns (due east.g., myself, ourselves).

        • Is the pronoun reflexive or intensive? ( 6-AA.vii )
      • half dozen.50.1.1.c Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person.

        • Right inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person ( 6-Z.5 )
      • 6.L.1.i.d Recognize and correct vague pronouns (i.e., ones with unclear or ambiguous antecedents).

        • Identify vague pronoun references ( 6-Z.3 )
        • Place all of the possible antecedents ( half dozen-Z.4 )
      • vi.Fifty.1.1.east Recognize variations from standard English in their ain and others' writing and speaking, and identify and apply strategies to ameliorate expression in conventional language.

        • Which sentence is more than formal? ( 6-C.1 )
    • vi.50.1.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

      • 6.Fifty.1.two.a Use punctuation (commas, parentheses, dashes) to set off nonrestrictive/parenthetical elements.

        • What does the punctuation suggest? ( )
        • Commas with nonrestrictive elements ( 6-JJ.vii )
        • Utilise dashes ( 6-JJ.8 )
      • Spell correctly.

        • Use the correct frequently confused word ( vi-G.1 )
        • Correct errors with often confused words ( vi-M.two )
        • Employ the correct homophone ( half dozen-R.1 )
        • Form plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o, and y ( 6-Y.two )
        • Form and use plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o, and y ( six-Y.three )
        • Form plurals: review ( 6-Y.iv )
        • Form and utilize plurals: review ( vi-Y.5 )
        • Class the atypical or plural possessive ( 6-Y.7 )
        • Place and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns ( vi-Y.viii )
        • Irregular past tense: review ( 6-DD.1 )
        • Class and employ comparative and superlative adjectives ( )
        • Form and utilize comparative and superlative adverbs ( half-dozen-EE.9 )
        • Pronoun-verb contractions ( )
        • Contractions with "not" ( 6-II.ii )
  • vi.L.2 Knowledge of Language

    • 6.Fifty.2.3 Employ knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

      • half dozen.L.2.3.a Vary sentence patterns for meaning, reader/ listener involvement, and fashion.

        • Transitions with conjunctive adverbs ( 6-J.iii )
        • Create varied sentences based on models ( 6-L.2 )
        • Is the sentence simple, chemical compound, or circuitous? ( 6-X.9 )
        • Use coordinating conjunctions ( 6-HH.1 )
        • Use the correct pair of correlative conjunctions ( half-dozen-HH.iv )
        • Fill in the missing correlative conjunction ( 6-HH.5 )
      • 6.Fifty.2.iii.b Maintain consistency in style and tone.

        • Which sentence is more formal? ( 6-C.1 )
        • Compare passages for tone ( 6-C.2 )
  • 6.Fifty.3 Vocabulary Acquisition and Apply

    • 6.L.3.4 Make up one's mind or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-significant words and phrases based on course 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

      • vi.Fifty.3.iv.a Use context (eastward.m., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a give-and-take's position or part in a judgement) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.

        • Interpret the meaning of an allusion from its source ( six-Due east.3 )
        • Interpret figures of speech communication ( 6-E.4 )
        • Vocabulary review: Read and empathise informational passages ( six-1000.2 )
        • Notice synonyms in context ( half-dozen-Q.ii )
        • Observe antonyms in context ( 6-Q.4 )
        • Which definition matches the sentence? ( 6-R.2 )
        • Which sentence matches the definition? ( 6-R.iii )
        • Determine the meaning of idioms from context: set i ( 6-S.1 )
        • Make up one's mind the significant of idioms from context: prepare ii ( six-Due south.3 )
        • Find words using context ( 6-5.1 )
        • Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context ( 6-5.two )
        • Determine the meaning of words using antonyms in context ( 6-Five.3 )
        • Utilize context to identify the meaning of a word ( six-Five.4 )
        • Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with pictures ( half-dozen-Five.5 )
      • six.L.3.4.b Use common, course-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots every bit clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., audition, auditory, audible).

        • Words with pre- ( half-dozen-O.1 )
        • Words with re- ( half dozen-O.2 )
        • Words with sub- ( vi-O.3 )
        • Words with mis- ( 6-O.iv )
        • Words with un-, dis-, in-, im-, and not- ( 6-O.five )
        • Words with -ful ( 6-O.6 )
        • Words with -less ( )
        • Words with -able and -ible ( vi-O.8 )
        • Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words ( 6-P.1 )
        • Use the meanings of words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots ( 6-P.2 )
        • Employ words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots ( half dozen-P.3 )
        • Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots ( 6-P.iv )
        • Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots ( six-P.v )
      • half-dozen.L.3.4.c Consult reference materials (e.yard., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both impress and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or make up one's mind or clarify its precise meaning or its part of oral communication.

        • Apply guide words ( 6-W.2 )
        • Use lexicon entries ( 6-W.3 )
        • Use lexicon definitions ( half dozen-W.4 )
        • Utilize thesaurus entries ( 6-W.5 )
      • 6.L.iii.4.d Verify the preliminary determination of the significant of a word or phrase (eastward.g., by checking the inferred significant in context or in a dictionary).

    • 6.L.3.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.

      • six.Fifty.3.five.a Interpret figures of voice communication (e.1000., personification) in context.

        • Interpret the meaning of an allusion from its source ( 6-E.3 )
        • Interpret figures of speech ( 6-E.four )
        • Analyze the effects of figures of voice communication on significant and tone ( half dozen-E.6 )
        • Decide the significant of idioms from context: prepare i ( 6-Southward.i )
        • Determine the significant of idioms from context: set two ( 6-S.3 )
      • 6.L.3.5.b Employ the relationship between detail words (eastward.chiliad., cause/event, function/whole, item/category) to improve sympathise each of the words.

        • Choose the synonym ( vi-Q.i )
        • Cull the antonym ( 6-Q.3 )
        • Analogies ( 6-U.1 )
        • Analogies: challenge ( 6-U.2 )
        • Determine the significant of words using synonyms in context ( 6-V.two )
        • Determine the meaning of words using antonyms in context ( 6-V.iii )
      • six.50.3.5.c Distinguish amid the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions) (eastward.thou., stingy, scrimping, economical, unwasteful, thrifty).

        • Describe the departure betwixt related words ( vi-T.1 )
        • Positive and negative connotation ( 6-T.2 )
    • 6.L.iii.6 Learn and use accurately class-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; assemble vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

      • Vocabulary review: Read and empathise informational passages ( six-One thousand.2 )
      • Transitions with conjunctive adverbs ( 6-J.3 )
      • Words with pre- ( 6-O.1 )
      • Words with re- ( half-dozen-O.two )
      • Words with sub- ( 6-O.iii )
      • Words with mis- ( 6-O.4 )
      • Words with un-, dis-, in-, im-, and non- ( 6-O.5 )
      • Words with -ful ( 6-O.six )
      • Words with -less ( )
      • Words with -able and -ible ( 6-O.8 )
      • Apply Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words ( )
      • Use the meanings of words every bit clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots ( 6-P.2 )
      • Use words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots ( 6-P.3 )
      • Make up one's mind the meanings of Greek and Latin roots ( 6-P.four )
      • Make up one's mind the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots ( 6-P.5 )
      • Positive and negative connotation ( 6-T.2 )
      • Find words using context ( vi-V.1 )
      • Determine the pregnant of words using synonyms in context ( 6-5.two )
      • Make up one's mind the significant of words using antonyms in context ( vi-Five.iii )
      • Use context to identify the meaning of a word ( 6-Five.iv )
      • Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with pictures ( 6-V.v )


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